Technology changes with time, but the fundamentals and recipes in photography remains. This article was first published in 2011, revised in 2018
It is never too late for one to get things done in life, regardless of how old one is. As people enter the phase of old age in their life, another chapter began where they shall find themselves in new forms of activities.
We shall explore “Elderly in Action”, be it in work or play.
For much of their life, they have worked hard to raise their families. Entering into a new chapter of old age, this is a time where they either work to sustain themselves or continue to contribute to the family, slow their pace, find a hobby, get mentally active with games, meeting their peers for recreational activities, getting a pet and doing things they like.
Lets us explore how the elderlies work and play to their hearts’ content, and one will be amazed at what they can do despite their age.
There is a wide range of lenses you can choose from to capture the candid moments of the elderlies in action. A wide angle lens allow you to go up close and personal with them and yet able to capture their surroundings. A fisheye lens provide that creative distorted corners. A longer focal length allows you to photograph them from a distance. A big aperture in a fixed lens (example 50mm f1.8) allows you to achieve the bokeh effect to have the background thrown into a blurness.
For camera settings, the recommended White Balance will be Daylight Balance. For the beginners, you can consider using AUTO ISO but for the more seasoned amateurs, it is a good time for you to decide which ISO to use. I will recommend ISO400 for general scenes and ISO800 for cloudy weather for a start.
Good performer – Display of showmanship

Hardly shy, the elderly display their talent and showmanship in their busking activities and performances to entertain the passer bys and audiences. Some are born talent, some just learnt it, but their showmanship is something which we admire.
Travelling about

Though we hardly see elderly in roller blades which is too dangerous for them at their age, they have their preferred traditional mode of quick transportation which is the bicycle. This elderly is seen enjoying his ride after a short shopping trip, with the goods tied to the front of the bicycle.
Hobby for Life

There are numerous hobbies which the elderly can take up, from stamp collection, clay making and the list goes on. They are also ready for digital technology in photography, picking up digital DSLRs and learning photography in courses.
Recreative activities

Golf, taiji, swimming, kite flying… they form their own group and get involved in recreational activities. This scene of the elderlies in a magnificent display of “Red Fan Taiji” is becoming a common sight in many places.
In the work force

Proud of his own business, he has been operating this small roasted chestnut joint in Chinatown for many years and continue doing his trade and enjoying it.
Being mentally active

Checkers and chess play, a group of elderlies enjoying their mini competition. These games keep them mentally active and proud of their strategic minds.
Fitness for Life

Do not under estimate the fitness level of some of the elderlies. For those who have been consistent in their fitness training, they can outrun many people half their age.
Up close with animals

Getting close to animals and birds, they find a different type of companions. Dog lovers walk their dogs in park, while some prefer to interact with the birds in the neighbourhood.
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