Technology changes with time, but the fundamentals and recipes in photography remains. This article was first published in 2012, revised in 2018
Wood has been around for millions of years dated from as far back as the era of dinosaurs. For the past hundreds of thousands of years, wood has served us well in many ways. When fire was discovered, wood was used as a form of fuel. Before bricks and stone slabs were used for building construction, fortresses and houses were made of wood. Wood is also used as a material to produce tools that we use daily past and present, which include tools for protection, barricades, furniture, work of art etc, and not to forget that the paper we use everyday also come from wood.
We shall explore “Wood”. It can be found everywhere around us. As timber logging quickly deprive earth of this natural resource, this is a good time to appreciate how important it is to us and how it has served us.
We should also appreciate the beauty of wood, in terms of its colour tone, textures, its growth rings which appears differently on all things made of wood. Wood is something that can be carved and made into masterpieces of art as we marvel at them both indoor and outdoor. We can also experiment with different lighting condition in different time of the day or with different light sources and see how the wood appears visually different. The finishing of wood also produces different visual impact, be it well varnished or in its natural grainy state.
There are items made of wood which serve as symbol of power and authority, such as the baton used by the higher ranked officers in parades. The overlapping grains in the wood also made it a useful material for construction which can last for centuries, against the harsh outdoor condition.
Take out your cameras, look out for things made of wood on your way to work or during your weekend family outing and capture them with your digital cameras. We have many examples below for your viewing which we hope can inspire you.
Golden Light

The wooden piece busked in the golden light glows very nicely. Look out for the golden light period during the early morning or late evening and see how the wooden pieces glow in its majestic glory.
The Resting Area we see in the park

As we walk in the park, it is a pleasing sight to see benches where we can take a rest. Here is a picture of a lady taking a rest while walking her dog. Benches and furniture comes in all shapes and design.
The Bridge that We Cross the River

A hardy material that can last centuries, wooden bridges can be found in all parts of the world, serving as a useful structure to enable people to cross rivers and hills.
Work of Art

Master carvers have been around for centuries producing delicate fine carvings of work of art using wood as a material. The nice patterns and statues seen here look fabulous and have been around for centuries.
The Door that Protects Us

Due to its overlapping fibres, wood is a strong material to make barriers such as doors that protect our houses, fortresses and castles for centuries. These doors come in all sizes, design and shapes. Take some time to explore the different doors.
Souvenirs that are sold

Despite the creation of plastic and discovery of bronze, wood still remains one of the more commonly used material to produce souvenirs.
Wooden Interior

Wooden interior in modern structures brings us closer to nature. A good selection of different types of wood with different colour tone and texture for the interior structure evoke a sense of nostalgia and elegance.

We have seen some photographers who specialising in photographing the tree barks. The different texture and grain enchanted them. They produce very abstract photographs.

Wood, being less dense, is able to flat on water and for centuries boats were made of wood and serve as a useful mode of transport. Wood is also used in land transport such as making of carts and wheels.
Wooden Weaponry

Despite the invention of bronze and steel, wood is still used to make strong weaponry and proven effective even in today’s world. We see batons which are made of wood and used by security guards.
Wooden House

Standing the test of storms and harsh weather condition, houses made of wood have been around for decades and even centuries.
Wooden Scripts

Before paper was invented, old records had to be carved on wooden scripts. Despite the risk of termite attacks, many ancient scripts survived till today.
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